release agent mould residues,PUR mould residues,surface of the final parts,rinsing mixing heads and other PUR foammachine parts
ACMOS cleaning agents are the perfect tool to ensure the highest standards ofproduct quality while minimising waste.
Great care is taken in developing these products, not only in terms ofperformance but also by placing a strong focus on industrial safety andenvironmental issues.
Cleaners for release agent residues on moulds with very good cleaningabilities without mechanical power to prevent damage of moulds.Cleaners for release agent and PUR residues on moulds.Cleaners for release agent residues and contaminations on plasticsurfaces.
Solvent-containing rinsing agents with excellent cleaning properties andgood protection against corrosion.
Heatable cleaners for residues difficult to dissolve, e.g. PUR foamremainders.
Get advice from our experts and convince yourself of the performance of ourproducts. We will be happy to provide you a sample.Check for material compatibility before use, Also consider our safety data sheetsfor safe application.